Sunday, November 22, 2009

Lower Wolfjaw 11/22/2009

This was a fun trip up Lower Wolfjaw. Went up next to a river for the first part of the hike. There was cloud cover up to about 3500 feet. All of the high peaks were visible above the cloud cover. The trail is very steep near the top coming from this side.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Whiteface and Esther 11/15/2009

I have been up Whiteface a number of times. Two times from the hiking trails and two or more times skiing up the auto road when it is closed in the winter. I went up Esther 11/15/09 with Whiteface.
Esther isn't much to write about. Went up the old ski lift path which is fairly rough as I remember. There were some OK views before we started up the Esther path. The top of Esther has no views and is pretty unexciting as ADK peaks go.
Whiteface is always fun. It stands away from most of the high peaks so you get good views of the high peaks and the Lake Placid area. The pictures below are from a few different Whiteface trips.

Tunnel going from road parking to staircase and elevator that goes up into building at the top of the mountain.