Sunday, September 28, 2014

Haystack, Basin, Saddleback 9/27/14

A very nice day with the weather returning to mid summer conditions. 60 degrees at elevation for most of the day and sunny. It seemed like everyone was out. The parking lot at the Garden was full when we got there at 6:30. We had never had this problem before. There is a shuttle from Marcy Field so Bruce and I went off to deal with that while Sue and Carolyn started up the trail. We made it back to the parking lot and started hiking around 7:00. The trail to John's Brook lodge is fairly smooth and easy going. We met back up with Carolyn and Sue past John's brook just as the trail started to get steeper going up toward Marcy and Haystack. We reached the junction of Marcy and Haystack fairly quickly and the sign said 1 mile and 900 feet elevation to the top of Haystack. This seemed like a very long mile as the trail went up and down little haystack and then up to the top of Haystack.
Haystack has some of the best views in the ADK's. Right next to Marcy and you can see a lot of the great range and some lesser known peaks, like Allen, that we had climbed in the past. Sunny and little wind at the top so we stopped for lunch and enjoyed the views.
The next part of the trail goes pretty far down off Haystack before starting up Basin. Not sure why the trail goes down into a hole instead of going along what looked like a nice ridge. From Haystack to Saddleback is all pretty steep and rocky. The good news with trails that go straight up is that you gain elevation fast and we reached the top of Basin fairly quickly. Basin has good views also and a nice vantage point to see the slides on Haystack.
Basin to Saddleback is very steep. Both downhill off Basin and uphill to Saddleback. Going up Saddleback there is a large area of rock that is very steep. Nothing you would want to do in November with ice on it. Today it was dry and fun to go up.
The top of Saddleback looks back toward Marcy and the trail that we had just traveled. Another nice summit and more hanging out in the sun. This was Ken's 46th peak. Bruce had hiked up with a beer which he gave to Ken to celebrate. It was a warm Mountain Brew which is a Stewart's Market specialty in the ADK's. Sue told us about purchasing it on her way to work at 8AM the previous day and the interesting looks she got waiting in line to buy it that early in the morning.
We left the top with about 6 miles still to go to get back to the car. The Ore Bed trail loses elevation fairly quickly and is fairly rough going. It gets easier as you get closer to John's Brook. The trail also goes out onto a long slide at one point.
Another nice day in the ADK's.
Group 46er count: 21 of 46



Basin, Saddleback, Gothics


Trail on Saddleback

Top of Saddleback

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